The sexual act is the consummation of a marriage. In some countries, couples who are not able to fulfill this personal intimate act could file for divorce on the grounds of sexual incapacity. Back in Taloctoc, Kalinga where I used to live, couples separated and married again if they were not able to sire a child. It is evident that in some cultures, having children too is one of the crucial factors for a successful marriage.
Children; however, should only be brought into this world when parents are able to provide for their needs. Lots of abandoned street children would attest to the fact that raising children has never been an easy job. The most important phase of children’s growth is their first 2 years as a toddler.
There are several things to consider, food, clothing and most importantly exuding to the child your parental love. You want to give the best daily care to your babies and toddlers. For clothing you should choose those that are warm and comfortable. For girls’ clothing here are various styles you can choose from. Clothing and food is not the only thing you should be concerned of. Proper daily hygiene should also be observed together with proper feeding utensils and good playing materials. Their nursery equipment should be safe and sound.
All in all, ensuring your baby’s safety and health should be your primary consideration, coupled of course with your tender, loving care.
After reading a book about marriage, I realized that having children is a big responsibility. You need not only provide their physical needs but also train them to become better people with all the good manners and right conduct.
When I had a baby at 20, I just though I only need to feed a baby but after a few years I realize I need to make them better people that could contribute goodness not only to themselves, to their families but to others as well.
Nice post Mommy! Sorry it took me a long time to visit and comment. I am really hard to find these days. I can't even find myself. LOL!
I agree with you. It is a liferime challenge for parents. Thanks and happy blog hopping.
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